Here lies Gaydarade, or whatever's left of hir.
Welcome to my little altar of evil - or portfolio - or newsreel - or blog. This website is wearing a lot of different hats, and I hope there's a hat that looks interesting to you among the riffraff. You'll find here news about my game development (which is done independently and published on Itch for free), my fiction writing (whatever shape it may take), and any blog posts I happen to create.
I presume that you clicked the about page to learn about me, and who I am, and whether I have earned divine punishment or divine praise. To that end, I provide to you:
A few fast facts about Gaydarade:
- I am a white woman, born in 1992 - when 1992 was new - and now it is dated - and soon it will be old.
- I believe names are incredibly important. You may call me Gaydarade, you may call me Levee, you may call me Jade.
- I am a transgender woman, though I do not correct people if they cannot see it. This is a strategy that keeps me sane and focused on my own pleasure.
- My pronouns are sie/hir if you are a person worthy of consideration. She/her is fine, if you swear fealty to me.
- I believe that making friends and having ambitions with them is basically the main reason to exist as a human being.
- I moved to Philadelphia in 2017, and that is where I intend to live until I die.
- I think the mourning dove has the most beautiful birdsong. This is the sound of my childhood.
- My greatest sin is that I'm a flaky friend and a chronic ghoster. I think bones and ornate fabrics are really cool.
- My lucky number is 17. I was hypersexual until I was neutered. I remain, as ever, a sadomasochist.
- My enemies are few and focused. I am well-loved by a great many, and well-liked by a great many more.
- I believe that a socialist utopia is possible through murder. I believe that in the face of climate change, the rich will plunder until they are killed. I believe that the guillotine is (and I mean this as literally as possible) the only sane and sensible response to the actions of those in power in the United States of America.
- I have been writing stories since 1998. I have been fiddling with game development since 2009. The idea of marketing and selling either of these endeavors is ontologically terrifying to me.
- I am a pessimist, I am the life of the party, I am dramatic, I am, regrettably, a Scorpio through and through.
- I had six siblings until my brother died, and now I have five. Out of six, four of us are lesbians, and one the others wishes she was.
- My father says that when I emerged from my mother, the doctor held me aloft and I did not cry. I was breathing and surveyed the room as if a queen over her demesne.
Bella ciao <3
Hopefully that's enough for you to have me hanged or committed.